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Press Releases & Blogs
How Many Colors Do You See?
NEW RELEASE: Warm Tone #7, 11" x 14" oil on canvas, Texas Collection Portfolio. Simply put painters see more acutely than
This is Deep Roots
This beautiful bald cypress tree really exists. She boldly stands in the middle of the Guadalupe River opposite the floodgates of Comal...
The Fine Art of Painting Small
Horace, the Roman poet is quoted as writing “a picture is a poem without words”. That said when one scales down art, a petite painting...
What is an heirloom painting?
What is an heirloom painting? Simply put, it’s one meant to be passed down from generation to generation in a family. Often the prize...
Veterans Day at the San Antonio Museum of Art
Thank you SAMA for providing the heartfelt ambience for my military retirement photos yesterday on Veterans Day. Because of the war...
Dog with a Blog
No, our dog is not Blogging, even though she may think she is. We do have good news to report; our first featured Artist of the Month...
Oil Painters of America
Big News! I've just been accepted as an Associate Member of Oil Painters of America. This is a...
The website has gone live!
We have launched the website this week! At this time you can find it by typing into your browsers address bar...
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