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God Bless the U.S.A.!

USNS Comfort hospital ship oil painting

Today, the United States Naval hospital ship, the USNS COMFORT pulled into New York City as ordered by President Trump. Its mission is to provide civilian land based hospitals relief due to the COVID19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak.

This 894 ft.long, 1,000 bed, 1,300 crew Mercy-class floating hospital is one of two hospital ships belonging to America and can be out to sea within 5 days of activation. Her homeport is the Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia. The crew can dry load patients from dock, ship to ship and off its large helipad. The last time she was in NYC was after the 9-11-2001 terrorist attacks.

To put this enormous capacity into perspective, there are only 7 other countries in the world that have hospital ships and the largest of those is a 300 bed ship belonging to China.

NEW RELEASE: USNS Comfort No.1, 5" x 7" oil on wood, Military Collection Portfolio


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